Let's Keep Our Beach Clean

Hamzah Azzam • July 25, 2022

In northern Lebanon, 16 kilometers from Tripoli, there is a camp for Palestinian refugees called Nahr al-Bared. The camp was named after the river that flows south of the camp and is home to around 30,000 displaced Palestinians and their descendants.

The camp has one of the most beautiful rocky beaches, a spot for many people to swim there, but unfortunately, it is heavily polluted with trash, and people have made it a Landfill for the past few years.

As part of the work from our third strand, which is DoNotForget the environment, we have to decide to put an end to that awful situation. 

Do not forget organization
Do not forget organization

As it can be seen from the previous pictures, the situation was highly awful. Unfortunately, the DNF team took only the lower part of the beach because of the limited resources and funds.

The team started working with 10+ volunteers for 3 days, beginning on the 24th of July 2022 and finishing on the 25th of July 2022. The beach was divided into three regions where they spent an area each day. After a fantastic job from the team, the lower beach was considerably cleaned, where people came and swam there for a few days.

Here are results :

Even though it is still a bit polluted, the DNF made a significant jump transforming a heavily polluted area into a more accessible location. In the future, we believe that the solutions will not be only temporary if we get the proper funds. 

Some more photos of the team working:

  • Do not forget organization

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