Warm Gifts Across Borders

Aimar Armendariz • October 27, 2022

"Warm Gifts Across Borders"

What is ‘Warm Gifts Across Borders’? 

"Warm Gifts Across Borders" is a project initiated by Do Not Forget. In this project we want to collect as many winter clothes as possible to send to a refugee camp in Lebanon. 


Why are we doing this? 

Lebanon can reach negative degrees in the winter, and people which are already in vulnerable positions do not have the resources to tackle this cold. Therefore, we decided to initiate this project of collecting clothes, and then ship them to different refugee camps before December 9th. 


How can you help? 

In order to achieve our goals, we need the help of everyone within our reach. That is why we are asking for the contributions of everyone including: students, teachers, and families! We have put up a box in lower Kantina UWC Red Cross Nordic there. You can drop your winter clothes, shoes, blankets, and anything that you do not use or need anymore and that you think might help someone else. Or, if you live in Norway and want to support them, you can ship the clothes to this location "Hauglandsvegen 274, 6968 Flekke." Please remember that these items need to be in good condition!


Also you can donate directly through our website or using the campaign link here


The team is planning to enlarge the size of the project, we will set up more boxes in each house and we are reaching out to teachers, students, families and other organizations to contribute. We are also going to try and involve the Dale community and Haugland center. 


We need you guys to help us, so we can all help them. We ask you to be mindful in the coming weeks about this issue and try to raise awareness about it.

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